Magazine AR Architecture, Research


Revija AR Arhitektura, raziskave
Zoisova 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana

Phone386 (0) 1 200 0749

Published since 2000 by the Institute for Architecture and Space at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, AR Architecture, Research magazine is a twice-yearly publication containing scientific papers, reviews of scientific research activities taking place at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, and news about academic staff participation in professional and scientific conferences. Papers are published in Slovenian with abstracts in English. Back issues are available on the website.

AR Architecture, Research also publishes special thematic issues. For example, "Beginnings" was the subject of a 2009 thematic issue which featured texts from the younger generation of architects.

See also

External links

Revija AR Arhitektura, raziskave +
annualy +
Revija AR Arhitektura, raziskave +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Zoisova 12 +
Published since 2000 by the Institute for Published since 2000 by the Institute for Architecture and Space at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, AR Architecture, Research magazine is a twice-yearly publication containing scientific papers, reviews of scientific research activities taking place at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, and news about academic staff participation in professional and scientific conferences.n professional and scientific conferences. +
Published since 2000 by the Institute for Published since 2000 by the Institute for Architecture and Space at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, AR Architecture, Research magazine is a twice-yearly publication containing scientific papers, reviews of scientific research activities taking place at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana, and news about academic staff participation in professional and scientific conferences.n professional and scientific conferences. +
+386 / 1 200 0749 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +